Americans need to
trust their elections.

Together, we can
secure the ballot box.

This site does not collect any information on you.

We encourage you to contact your representatives and ask for mandatory voting.

The 2020 election exposed flaws in our democracy. Many Americans have lost faith in our voting system.

Secure the Ballot Box has one goal: Eliminate all voter fraud, and ensure every legal vote is counted.

Americans should never have any questions about the integrity of their elections. The United States is the wealthiest nation in the world, and our citizens have more freedom than any other country in the world. Elections should never be in question.

How do we fix our voting system,
so it’s fair for everyone?

Only United States Citizens 18+ can vote,
because every eligible voter is required to vote.

100% participation means 0% fraud.

Step 1:

Automatic voter registration for all United States citizens.

Every single US Citizen who is legally eligible to vote (not in prison, severely mentally disabled, or ineligible due to felony) should receive an automatic voter registration for all federal elections, and also every state and city election. You vote in every election from the day you turn 18 until the day you die.

Step 2:

National Voter ID for free. Eliminate fake voters.

Anyone can get a fake ID, but with a national voter ID program, every single voter will have a voter card that shows their name, face, address, and which elections they vote in — city, state, federal, and special elections.

We don’t need to have any questions about voter ID.

Step 3:

Eliminate all undocumented immigrants and dead people from voting.

With a national voter registration program, and a national voter ID program, there is no chance for undocumented immigrants to even create a false registration. Without a national voter ID, you can’t vote — period.

Dead people can’t vote, because we will create a national deceased voter registry.

Step 4:

Mobile voting centers for seniors, veterans, and active duty military.

The 2020 election showed a flaw, and it needs to be fixed. Many senior citizens are limited in their mobility. Every American ages 55+ should have the right to vote by mail, or have a mobile polling station come to their residence. (Seniors who are in senior care facilities can vote in groups when a mobile voting center comes to their location.) Every veteran and service member should be able to easily vote, no matter where they are stationed.

Step 5:

Secure every mail-in ballot with a serialized Voter ID match.

Your national voter ID contains a serial number that only matches your ballot. That means a mail-in ballot can only be used to vote once, and every mail in ballot will be trustworthy and legal.

Step 6:

Make voting into a civic duty, the same as jury duty.

You can’t skip out on jury duty, even if you don’t get selected. Right now every American has the right to vote, but that needs to change — every single American should be required to vote, so their voice is part of our democratic process.

We took voting for granted, and that needs to change.

Voting shouldn’t just be a right.
It should be mandatory and secure.

When you don’t vote, it’s disrespectful to all the men and women who served our country. On the beaches of Normandy, the jungles of Vietnam, and the plains of Gettysburg, American soldiers fought and died for your simple right to self-determination.

It is an insult to the memory, and every single veteran who has served our country, to simply sit at home and not take part in democracy. If you want to live in a place where you never vote, try North Korea.

It will always be your right to cast a blank ballot if you don’t support any of the candidates, but every American should be required to take part in our democracy, to honor all the men and women who didn’t make it home.

Respect our troops by casting a ballot in a secure election.

Our goal:

0% voter fraud.

By requiring 100% turnout of all United States Citizens, we eliminate the question of who can/cannot vote.

When 100% of eligible voters participate, then voter fraud is going to be 0% — because it’s impossible to cast a fraudulent ballot.

This site is a courtesy to all Americans who like democracy and would very much like to keep it going. Stop all voter fraud by making sure every eligible US citizen votes.